“Add extra storage space to your garage and create
a clean, clutter-free environment.”
An attic ladder can expand your overhead garage storage capacity. Consider this relatively simple solution for adding instant space to your garage. Before considering this option, be certain to complete your garage organization project first. Then, if more room is needed, this project will be easier and will make more sense.
What is an Attic Ladder?
Also known as a loft ladder, this innovative tool is a retractable set of steps that can be installed in the garage ceiling, providing access to the attic space above the garage and folding up into the ceiling when not in use. This type of ladder can save floor space in your garage while still providing access to your new overhead garage storage area in the attic.
When purchasing your attic ladder, remember to buy the proper size and weight capacity for your garage and your needs. Measure the ceiling height in your garage to determine the length, and think about how the ladder will be used to determine the weight capacity. Light weight models will handle up to 250 pounds of load, while heavy duty models are suitable for heavy loads up to 800 pounds.
While the most common and least expensive models are made of wood, some are made with fiberglass, aluminum and steel and can be very durable and sturdy. If you have a very limited overhead garage storage space, you should consider purchasing a telescoping model, like the Werner AA8 Televator Telescoping Ladder. This innovative design fits much smaller attic access holes and is relatively easy to install (28 reviews on Amazon with 4 and 5 stars).
Points to remember when Installing an Attic Ladder in your Garage
The good news is that installing these ladders at home is fairly easy. In fact, you can likely do it yourself if you are good with tools. Just keep a few points in mind before you proceed with the installation.
- The ladder is made to fit between existing framing in the ceiling. The manner in which you can install the ladder depends on whether your attic floor is framed with trusses or 2x lumber.
- Keep maximum headroom over the ladder. You do not want to hit your head while you are carrying heavy items up the ladder.
- When you are installing the ladder, watch for nails overhead.
- Read the installation instructions thoroughly. This will ensure that you do not make any mistakes that could lead to accidents.
If you are looking for additional garage storage solutions and you have unused attic space in your garage, consider an attic ladder. This extremely convenient and relatively easy do-it-yourself project is one more step towards a clutter free life.
Big box home centers, small hardware stores and online merchants. One of my favorite online merchants is Stacks and Stacks, who offers a nice selection of Garage and Attic
storage solutions. From $5 to $5,000, the possibilities are only limited by your wallet!Amazon.com also has a large selection of garage storage solutions
WARNING! Don’t use your new garage storage space to store stuff you don’t need or use. Start with a garage organization project, eliminate your garage clutter, and then decide what to keep. Once you know what you need to store you can decide what kind of overhead garage storage systems you need (if you need any at all!).
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