“Once you understand how organizing your garage can improve your life,
you’ll be much more motivated to tame the clutter”
Garage organization can be an opportunity to discover old treasures, make room for new furniture, redecorate your garage, and get back in touch with your neighbors through a garage sale.
Once you understand how organizing your garage can improve your life, you’ll be much more motivated to tame the clutter. Without further ado, here are 7 great reasons to get organized:But, like all of the good things in life, organizing a garage takes work.
#1 – Garage Organization Saves Your Valuable Time
So, after jealously eying the neighbor’s yard, you go into your garage to get your pruning shears, but can’t find them anywhere. Only after 20 minutes of digging through rusty old gardening equipment do you finally get ahold of them.
Think of what else you could have done with that time if you had a tool storage system, such as a garage workbench with built in drawers, or maybe just a handy set of cabinets. By keeping your garage tidy, you won’t have to waste time looking for what you need when you need it.
#2 – Garage Organization creates a Safer Place for You and Your Family
If you have kids or pets at home, I guarantee they are going to find a way to sneak into the garage when you’re not around. If you’ve used an overhead garage storage system to store heavy or potentially dangerous items out of their reach, their unexpected visit will probably end well.
On the other hand, if everything is lying on the ground and they manage to tip over a heavy bin or open up a tasty container of motor oil… you know the rest of the story. Potential disaster.
Likewise, if you are working in the garage and step on a rusty nail or slip on an old bag of plant food, you could also get seriously injured. That’s why tidying up your garage will help keep you and your family safe.
#3 – Garage Organization will Save You Money
Have you ever gone to the local home improvement store to pick up nails, then later found a whole box of them in the long lost jungle of your garage? Or, if you’re unlucky, has that ever happened with a more expensive item?
And how about those unplanted seeds that passed their prime because they ended up under a pile of junk instead of in your garden? That was money wasted, too.
If your garage is properly organized, you can prevent yourself from buying multiples of the same item, or having to buy a new version of an item because the old one went to waste. This will save you money in the long run.
MEMORY LANE: When I was a kid, my dad was famous for having 3, 4 or 5 of everything. If he couldn’t find it, he just bought another one. Does anyone really need 5 pairs of hog ring plyers? I still have ALL of them. How about standard plyers? I have at least 4 that are nearly identical… all from when I was a kid. Get organized, keep everything where it is easy to find and lighten the load on your wallet.
#4 – You will probably MAKE Money
Once you get your garage looking presentable, you’ll be ready to have a garage saleto turn clutter into cash. To get to this point, you’re going to have to go through each item and decide what to keep (remember, it all has to be stored), what to throw away or recycle, what to give away (one man’s trash is another man’s treasure), and what to sell.
Out of the things that you keep, you should separate what needs to be repaired, what needs to be moved elsewhere, and what is allowed to stay in the garage. Keep the items you don’t want to sell elsewhere to make it clear to shoppers which items are for sale and which are not.
One idea that is popular in some communities is to have block garage sales. This is when many families have their garage sales at the same time. They all advertise together, so they save time and money getting the word out.
Since it becomes a big event, kids sometimes join in by selling lemonade or cookies outside of the houses. Talk to your neighbors to see whether they would be interested in this idea.
In any case, the basic things to remember when having a garage sale would be to organize it well, advertise locally, including proper garage sale signs, offer low prices, label everything clearly, and get ready for haggling. You can use the extra money to treat yourself for all your hard work.
One more thing: Before you get started, ask yourself WHY you are having a garage sale. Is it all about making money, or more about clearing the clutter in your garage AND in your life. You might be surprised what a garage enema will do for your mental acuity. Think carefully about your purpose when pricing garage sale items.
#5 – Garage Organization is Great for your Hobbies
Have you ever wanted to get back into repairing old bicycles, woodworking, or just playing pool with friends? Organizing your garage could be the perfect opportunity to jump back into your past-time.
For example, by hanging your bicycles from the ceiling you will have much more floor space to work with. Likewise, garage storage lifts can help you get heavy stuff like sports equipment off the floor, making room for a nice new workbench, pool table, card table, or even a big screen TV!
Put a Big Screen TV in your Garage
It’s better than a drive-in movie theatre!
#6 – You will set a good example
Is it really fair to expect your children to keep their rooms clean when YOU don’t keep your garage clean? “Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work too well with today’s kids.
Instead, you can set a good example for your children by keeping your garage clean year-round. As your children watch you use your garage storage space wisely to keep everything tidy and categorized, they will learn valuable lessons for keeping their bedrooms, lockers, and school desks clean.
#7 – Garage Organization will make you Feel Proud
With a well-organized garage, you won’t have to park in the driveway when driving a guest to your place for fear they will giggle or wince at the stacks of boxes slowly taking over the floor.
Instead, you can step out of your car with a smile and give them a great first impression of your home. Imagine proudly showing your guest a new garage loft storage area, for example, with its little ladder leading up to a miniature second floor.
Or, how about showing them a set of garage shelves featuring your favorite arts and crafts creations? But, most of all, you will feel proud of yourself for taking good care of your home.
Garage Organization – Final Word
After reading these 7 great reasons to get organized, I hope you are feeling excited about the thought of tidying up your garage. Now, get to work before the feeling wears off!
Learn to Make the Best of your Garage Storage Shelves
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