“Replace 60-70% of all portable ladders with one.
It’s 24 ladders in one with a LIFETIME WARRANTY!”
Ever heard of the Little Giant Ladder? For years I have been familiar with the name but unfamiliar with the product. Many years ago I purchased a copycat ladder and was very disappointed when it started giving me trouble. Don’t make the mistake I made. Buy the original!
What is it?
Simply put, it is a superior alternative to traditional A-frame step ladders. A-frame step ladders hinge at the top and open into the shape of an “A” with folding metal brackets that hold the two legs of the ladder in place.
Instead of using folding metal brackets, the Little Giant uses a very strong, patented hinge allowing it to be used like a typical A-frame ladder, as well as offering a total of 24 different configurations. According to the Little Giant Ladder company, “Independent tests prove the Little Giant will replace 60-70% of all portable ladders currently being manufactured.”
Are they heavy duty?
Little Giant Ladders are made of heavy-wall, 6005-T5 aluminum. What’s that? It’s aircraft-grade aluminum used by the aerospace industry to create strong, yet light weight components. For example, the Little Giant Type 1 has a government workload rating of 250 pounds, which is adequate for most jobs in the “medium” size category.
With a government rating to hold up to 300 pounds, the Little Giant Type 1A has actually proven to sustain no structural failure with stress tests up to 1200 pounds. The Type 1AA is even stronger with a government weight rating up to 375 pounds. And, it complies with all applicable OSHA ANSI A14.2 standards.
The Little Giant Ladder is so versatile!
How can the Little Giant be used?
Here are a just a few examples of the 24 different possibilities:
- Traditional A-frame ladder
- Staircase ladder, with one leg of the “A” at a higher or lower level (it’s adjustable in one foot increments), allowing it to be used on uneven surfaces like stairs, decks, etc.
- Extension ladder
- 90° Ladder. Adjusting the Little Giant allows it to be used flat against a wall, unlike traditional A-frame ladders
- Scaffolding. By adding the optional Little Giant work plank, you can separate the Little Giant into two sections to support the scaffolding work surface
- And more!
How much do they cost?
There are Little Giant models starting at about $230 (MSRP). While that may seem high for a traditional A-frame ladder, it is a bargain when you consider how many other ladders and components can be eliminated.
Think of the space saving benefits, including ease of transportation when you don’t have to carry so many ladders. The veratility of this one ladder can take the place of several other ladders you may no longer need. The most popular Little Giant is the Model 22 at about $260 (MSRP). If you step up to a Model 17, 22 or 26 of the Type 1A ladder, they also include Tip & Glide Wheels™ allowing you to roll the ladder from one spot to another. My favorite feature is that they are made in the U.S.A.! |
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